Washington DC is the capital city of the United States located on the Potomac River. It borders the states of Maryland and Virginia.
It was founded in 1790 and now has a population of approximately 672, 000.
There are many famous monuments in DC including a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. Benjamin Banneker, a Black man who laid out the blueprint design for Washington DC. DC is the seat of the Capitol of the United States, the Supreme Court, the Washington monument and the White House where the President of the United States lives.
Frederick Douglass, a Black man, lived in Washington DC. He was born in slavery and escaped to become one of the most important leaders of the civil rights movement in the 19th Century.
You will see Frederick Douglass’ home and his death mask which was made from his face after he passed away.
DC is the home of Howard University, an historically Black university. Howard University is the highest producer of Black professionals in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, nursing, architecture, religion, law, music, social work and education. Thurgood Marshall, the first Black Supreme Court Justice of the United States, graduated from Howard University’s Law School.